Building format files

A format file contains a pre-compiled set of macros which TEX can load in very quickly. To build a format file you need to run INITEX (in the TEX menu). Here are the steps needed to create Plain.fmt:
  1. Run INITEX, wait for the ``**'' prompt, type ``Plain\dump'' and hit the Return key. INITEX will begin reading plain.tex from the Plain subfolder in TeX-inputs.
  2. You'll eventually see the save-file dialog allowing you to save the format information in the file and folder of your choice. The default file shown will be Plain.fmt. The best location for format files is the TeX-formats folder.
  3. Note that Plain.log is created in the current folder. It's not needed, so delete it.
The steps needed to create LaTeX.fmt are very similar:
  1. Run INITEX, wait for the ``**'' prompt, type ``LaTeX.ltx'' and hit Return (you don't need to add \dump). INITEX will read latex.ltx from the LaTeX subfolder in TeX-inputs.
  2. The dialog box will show LaTeX.fmt, so just save this file in the TeX-formats folder.
  3. Delete LaTeX.log if you want to.
Creating AMSTeX.fmt is just as easy: run INITEX, type ``AMSTeX.ini'' and save AMSTeX.fmt in the TeX-formats folder. If you decide to rename any of the existing formats, or add a completely new format, then remember to update the format_files list in your config file(s).
